Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The best part about playing each Team Fortress 2 class.

Similar to the article on the most annoying things about each class, however while that was based on playing badly these are based largely on flukes occurring in the game.  Let’s hear it for dumb luck people!

Pyro – Those excellent rampages when you kill half of the opposing team.  It is an incredible sense of self satisfaction when you see most of the other team on fire.

Sniper – Contrary to the sister piece I done of the TF2 classes, dominating a rival Sniper is fucking sweet.  The victory is made even better if they change to Spy in an effort to kill you but only receive a knife in the forehead for their troubles, then ragequit and write a shitty article about it.  At the same time, if you can manage to sneak past the opposing team and setup behind there spawn it provides absolute hilarity shooting them in the back of the head as they run in a straight line towards the battle.  Sure after you kill a few a Scout or Pyro will come looking for you, but if you can hide well enough to avoid them you can continue to rape.

Spy – Camping the enemy spawn for a good proportion of the game.  Because after you have taken out the teleporter entrances more than once and killed about 4 people, the entire team goes ape-shit trying to find you.

Heavies – Gunning down half the enemy team at once is why people play Heavy.  Usually you need a Medic to help you with this, because it is made every better when the enemy launches an attack on you and you alone only to be foiled by an ubercharge.

Engineer – Engineer is all about finding the right place to put up your sentry gun.  If it sucks it suck, if it is good you can be the sole reason the cart never makes it past the first checkpoint.

Scout – I hate Scout.  I’m bad at it and everyone else is good at it.  I am convinced Scout is in the game to troll everyone else.  That is the best thing about Scout, pissing of the other players with your fucking baseballs and Force of Nature.

Medic – Healing and Ubering is part of playing Medic properly, the most fun you can have though is going on epic bonesaw rampages.  It is especially awesome if you do it with the ubersaw and deploy an ubercharge once you run out of people to stab and just run around taunting the enemy who thought they finally had you.

Soldier – Crit rockets into a large group of people or a sentry nest.  Taking out 4 people in one shot makes you feel like a big man.

Demoman – Similar to Soldier, having most of the opposing team run into your nest of stickies is fucking radical.  Yes, radical.  It is hard to do because most people aren't complete retards, but on those rare occasion where no one sees them and you get 5 or more people in one go I have to taunt for the screencap, even if you means getting killed.

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